Electoral Flag for Elections in Northern Ireland on 24th May 1921
In ArchiveFabric Election Ephemera Item Ref: BELUM.W2016.26.1
Electoral Flag for Elections in Northern Ireland on 24th May 1921
All Loyalist Ex-Servicemen see to it that Every vote is polled on the 24th May.
Sir Richard Dawson Bates Collection: Flag produced by the Ulster Ex-Service Men's Association.
'All Loyalist Ex-Service Men see to it that Every Vote is Polled on the 24th May for BATES, DIXON, DONALD, DUFF. The Officially Selected Team.
The flag is painted on linen (?) with an orange shield in top centre with a Red Hand contained within with two Union Flags
Owned by NMNI Reference BELUM.W2016.26.1