Paper Ephemera Item Ref BELUM.X417.1976
Paper Ephemera
Indicative of the type of Curfews imposed on Belfast and other areas throughout Disturbances at this time.
“A Proclamation
Whereas in spite of the earnest exaltation contained in the appeal signed by the Lord Mayor of the city of Belfast on the 27th day of August 1920 the disturbances in the city are becoming overly worse.
I, Major General Sarah E. G. T. Bainbridge, K. C. B., Commanding first division, competent military authority, and exercise of the powers conferred on me by regulation number 13 of the defence of the realm regulations, and have all of their powers me there and to you enabling, to hear by order and require
That every person within this county of the city of Belfast shall remain indoors between the hours of 10:30 p.m. and 5:00 am unless provided with a permit in writing from the competent military authority or some person duly authorised by him
That all places of entertainment within the county of the city of Belfast shall be closed at 9:30 pm and the tramways service within the same area shall be suspended at 9:30 o’clock p.m.
This order shall come into force at 12 noon on the 31st day of August 1920.
Given under my hand at Belfast the 30th day of August 1920
E. G. T. Bainbridge
Major General
Commanding first division,
Competent military authority.
Medical practitioners, nurses and ministers of religion may apply for permanent permits lined them to be out of doors within the area defined in above proclamation unprofessional duties only during the prohibited hours.
(2) No other permits will be issued save in exceptional cases of absolute necessity.
Applications for permits for medical practitioners, nurses and ministers of religion are to be made personally to “the Permit Officer“ at Victoria Barracks Belfast between the hours of 10 am to 1 pm and 2 pm to 4 pm.
Disobedience of the above orders will incur danger of being shot by the fire of the military and police on duty for the maintenance of order”
This notice was printed by W & G Baird Ltd of Belfast
Owned by NMNI Reference BELUM.X417.1976